Friday, 16 March 2012


How do you start moving again after a long, dark, rainy winter? No, this blog isn't about packing up and relocating. Even though lots of people are doing just that at this time of year. It's about what to do when the aches set in and keep you on the couch even when the sun peaks it's lovely head out from behind the clouds. I haven't totally retreated to the couch. There was some amount of skiing that happened as well as the occasional power walk on the beach and a few snowy walks (along with icy falls) during the xmas holiday break to see the mom. But today I have the day off and I had absolutely no excuse to not hit the pool or the seawall, on foot or with my bike.

Instead, I set about to try to read those darn "new and improved" google privacy rules. The ones they keep telling you are not to be dismissed and are really important. The ones that came into effect on March 1, 2012. The ones that are supposed to be shorter and less complicated to read. After a good hour I have determined that I need a techno geek to help me decipher them and figure out what is important to me and what is not. Do I want ads geared to my age group and sex? If not, will I get fewer or more ads? Do I have to get ads at all? Google seems to even know my hotmail account user name I use to play MSN games on-line. How creepy is that?

So, the internet seems to be moving forward in some strange direction and I can't figure it out. I started out on the world wide web at the very beginning of it all. I always thought I'd be able to keep up, protect my identity and escape the perils of how interconnected we all are. Reap the benefits. Miss the down side. Alas, I fear this is not to be. Google has up and changed the rules, and I can't figure them out! (Repetitive, aren't I) Rather than worry, I think I'd be much better off getting up and seeking out people who have read the rules and understand them. Give me the Coles notes version, or the "Google's New Privacy Rules for Dummies" book. I know, I can go out for an early morning walk with my wonderful running (er, walking) group tomorrow. They'll know. Get moving, catch up. I hope. Maybe. Move. Learn. Connect.