Friday, 1 July 2011


How do you keep all the different uses of beds straight? There's sleeping, of course. Then there's sex, napping and snoring. You can do exercises in bed, watch TV in bed (although not recommended if you have trouble falling asleep) and bring your lap top to bed. Slumber parties, pillow fights and wrestling matches... all this to just name a very small few. One more I'll include in here is common lingo in and amongst a group of women friends I hang out with... MIB. (man in bed) (not to exclude having anyone else in your bed, it's just that most of us are heterosexual)

This used to be the favorite excuse (ok, my favorite excuse) to not show up on a Saturday morning for a run and coffee. Teasy, kinda showy. (being sick with a doctor's note... boring, dull, yawn) New secrets and tidbits to be shared the following week. Sometimes the excuses would go on for weeks, dragging out the suspense. Of course, the excuse was supposed to be used only once, to hold the group together... as attendance was of the utmost importance.

Now that we're older and wiser, we've come to realise that a lot more holds us together than just attendance records. A weekly group of running and coffee friends for close to or over 20 years now... although I stand to be corrected. Outlasted my first marriage. Lots of sharing happens in 20 years. Now that we are all a whole important relationship older, there's a reprise of MIB happening. Haven't kissed a new man in 20 years? Tea light sex? Who's ever heard of that? New beds. New moves. New skin. New pillows. New pillow buddies. Bliss. Angst. Chills.