Friday, 2 September 2011


How do you line up in an orderly fashion to go through the car wash? Do you buy your ticket first and then get into line? Or, like this certain hummer (licence plate 471 KMD) in Vancouver today... park and block the line, while you buy your ticket? I have to admit, I have an attitude problem about hummers. And sitting behind this gold hummer that didn't even look like it needed a car wash didn't help. One tiny woman and this huge piece of steel... it just doesn't make sense to me. Especially in Vancouver, you know, where there are just so many steep, unpaved, muddy roads to be driven on (and this did not look like an off road hummer). And me with my Prius (and my ticket!), waiting for her to get her ticket and tapping my nails on the steering wheel... impatiently.

I think I actually got out of the car when she came back and said something snide like "oh, you're the one who is blocking the line!". The she said something back (you can imagine) that thankfully I couldn't hear because I had my car radio too loud and got into her gold hummer. So much for building patience, building up my karma points... I had been smug and annoyed and let her know. Then I shifted into feeling foolish for letting it get to me so much... childish, silly comment that I made to her.

So, as I was writing today, I was looking up a picture of a hummer to embellish this blog and low and behold... I found out that hummers are being phased out!!! Apparently they were not selling and GM wasn't able to find a buyer for them about 2 years ago during one of their government bailouts so ... I felt smug again. And then childish again. Sigh. But overall it is a good thing. Fewer big gas guzzling cars on the road, fewer hummer drivers (and their "everyone will just have to wait because I am a hummer owner and I deserve to be first in line even if I don't have a ticket" attitude) blocking the car wash. Do people who care more about the environment care more about others, think more about others, are less self-centred? Wait a minute... maybe I should have washed my car by hand? Or just left it dirty? Wash. Rinse. Dry.

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